The phrase "You can't take it with you" is correct when it comes to material things and death, but memories I am sure are an entirely different matter. Have you ever asked yourself, why do spirits haunt places familiar to them? Or why many believe that when we reach heaven our family and friends will be there to greet us? Lastly, how does a Medium translate a spiritual message unless the spirit from the other side remembers who they were? It is quite possible that the only thing we take with us when we die is our Memories.
Memories are our life story and connect us to who we loved and who loved us. As we are human we cherish the memories of our loved ones and feel guilty about not thinking of our loved ones who have passed more frequently after our initial shock and grief have gone away. For many of us this feeling of absence is natural because we loved them so much we want to continue to honor their memories.
IMO helps us keep our loved ones in our minds and in our hearts and reminds us that our loved ones mattered. From 1988 to 2015 I carried a 4" x 6" flag in my wallet folded in military fashion to remind me of my father who served. Then I thought maybe I could design a small ornament and pendant that could hold the flag and hang on a Christmas Tree or around my neck to help me feel closer to him? Of course as soon as I did, I wondered if others would like to have one, and then I realized that every Gold Star Family should have one, and maybe if I sell enough of them, I could give one to each family. So now there is the IMO Ornament and the IMO Pendant, each for a unique purpose, both to memorialize our absent loved ones.
The IMO Notelet lets us tell those we loved what their love meant to us when we can no longer tell them in person, in a way that provides peace for you and closure for them. Twenty years ago I wrote a letter to my husband because my career required I travel a great deal, which increased my chances of getting into an accident. I wanted to make sure that everything I told him when we were together was reinforced in my letter, a letter that he would receive after I died. So my heart was at peace because I knew he would get that letter, and I hoped that leaving him unexpectedly would be less traumatic if he was able to have another communication from me, even after death. Then I thought, why not for all those I love? Why do I have to settle for a copied memorial that is created by others after I die and offered to my family and friends as an impersonal goodbye? So I am creating the IMO Notelets for my family and friends and thought that maybe there are others out there who would like to be prepared just in case as well. I hope to launch them soon.
Losing loved ones is the hardest things we face as human beings, but fondly remembering our loved ones, keeping them in mind, can help us find peace - Caryl Anne
Our time shared is time cherished, memories of love and joy ours to keep.